1.GRY DIAG-H (Diagnosis-H) Communications with Honda PGM Tester
2.BLU NEP (Engine pulse) Detects the engine pulse 19-Ground Start the engine, and let it idle About 0 - 12V
3.BLU/WHT VSP (Vehicle speed pulse) Detects the vehicle speed signal for the speed sensor or the ECM/PCM (4 pulse/Rev). 7-Ground Raise the vehicle off
the ground and spin the front wheel Alternating voltage about 0V - 5V - 0V - 5V
4.YEL IG1 (Ignition 1) Power source for activating the system 10-Ground Ignition switch ON (II) Battery voltage
5.YEL/BLU WLP (Warning lamp) Drives the EPS indicator light 6-Ground EPS indicator ON Battery voltage
6.BRN SCS (Service check signal) Detects service check connector signa